What could be better than start 2020 not only with your right foot but also with some Samba?! I can't imagine anything else. Mark on your calendar #MadeiraCarnival from 19th of February to 1st of March.
What does Madeira Island have to do with Carnival? Well, this must surprise you, but it all started here. In the XVI century the island was at its hight of the sugar production begining to be an important and strategic port in the middle of the Atlantic for the exchange of slaves and goods. Many traditions from Madeira were then taken to many places around the world, and Carnival arrived in Brasil.
Pack your bag with energy and smiles
That's all you need to have an amazing week!
On the 21st of February, the friday night starts it all and it is called the "Travesti Night". Yes, you will see all women dressed as men and men as women. Saturday night you have the big parade, smaller than in Brasil (of course) but with thousands of participants for a dozen of samba groups. The street is filled with color and music that will for sure contagious your spirit.
On Monday it is the Hippie night and on Tuesday you choose what to wear.
All of this happens at night so during the day you still have plenty of time to get to know the island.
Don't forget the 'Malassadas'!!
Besides the colourful costumes every single Madeirian eat Malassadas and Sonhos (meaning 'dreams' in Portuguese). The tradition is to have them the day before Ash Wednesday where then it beggins the fasting period of Lent.
Malassadas have a doughnut texture made with whole weath flour, yeast and some sugar with a final touch of sugarcane honey (extremely used in Madeira).
It is a match made in heaven and definitely something you shouldn't miss! Did you know that in Hawaii, on the same tuesday, they celebrate the Malassada Day, a tradition that they have kept until today and that was introduced by Madeirians who went there to work in the sugarcane plantations.
See you in February?